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A New Adventure - Radio Talk Show Host!

Last year, after being on Authors on the Air Global Radio Network with several Chandler County authors, I was asked if I'd be interested in hosting a radio show. I thought Pam Stack, the producer, meant like one show. I thought wrong. I'm proud, happy, scared, excited to say I'm an now host of "Your Book Garden." Never in a million years did I think I'd be doing something like this.

It has taken me a while to get my act together and book my first show. There was training, more training, then even more training. There were books to be written, published, and promoted. There were trips to be taken and grandkids to love. While I still have all those things, it's time to get the ball rolling. My show will take place twice a month on Tuesdays at 2:00 Central time. They will last between thirty and forty minutes.

My first show is this coming Tuesday, March 13th. Char Chaffin and Cheryl Yeko, editors at one of my publishers, Soul Mate Publishing, will talk with me about their special project, "The Soul Mate Tree Collective." Incidentally, my book, "The Trail to Love," was part of this collective.

Stop by and listen as they discuss how they came of up with the idea, how they chose the twelve authors, and what plans they have for the future of the collective. Here's the link:

If you want to keep up with future shows and my guests, follow my radio show FB page at:

If you can't listen to the live show, they will be posted for listening at a later time.

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