Missing the Gate - Chandler County Release

Today is the release day for the fifth book in the Chandler County books. "Missing the Gate," written by Aubree Lane, is filled with intrigue and mystery at Able Manor. It's a must read.
Congratulations, Aubree
Blurb: After a thirteen-year hiatus, Bella returns home to discover her aunt Lily high-strung and unpredictable, her dad a recovering alcoholic, and her inheritance in ruins.
When Bella learns her uncle vanished the same day she and her mother fled from her father’s abuse, she enlists her new love, Eli, to help her uncover the many mysteries of Able Manor.
It's generally assumed that Uncle Gordon is dead, but his body was never found. Could there be a connection between his disappearance and his wife’s erratic behavior? Who’s the stranger lurking around the property, and what precipitated the downfall of the once esteemed horse ranch?
Corruption and intrigue plague the small town of Bourbonville. Bella’s prosperous father wants her back in his life. She sees him as a way to bring her ranch back to its former glory, but the price of trusting him may cost Bella her life.
Buy Links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Missing-Gate-Chandler-County-Novel-ebook/dp/B075PQ1C3Z
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/missing-the-gate
iBooks: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/missing-the-gate/id1286500884?mt=11&ignmpt=uo%3D4
B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/missing-the-gate-aubree-lane/1127117855;jsessionid=4FD6DD0F14E15CF3437577EDBA09BFEC.prodny_store02-atgap04?ean=9781537842646
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Aubree_Lane_Missing_the_Gate?id=KQA2DwAAQBAJ
About Aubree: Aubree Lane is a true story teller. This award-winning author has been writing in one form or another for most of her life and has loved every moment. Aubree lives in the beautiful foothills of Northern California with her husband, two wonderful sons, and a super

special peek-a-poo named Tanner. When not managing the pooper-scooper, Aubree can be found at one of her favorite vacation spots ranging anywhere from Lake Tahoe to Maui.
Her motto: Write Until Your Butt Hurts, And Your Eyes Are Crossed.
You can find Aubree at:
Amazon Author page: http://Author.to/AubreeLane
Twitter- @AubreeLane3: https://twitter.com/AubreeLane3
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